Palin supporters seems to like her because she is a woman. It seems silly that this would be the only qualification needed. Is she really mean? I don't think so. I think she is a weak woman who is being told what to do by the men around her. I watch her past interviews before she was selected she was nice and seem to want to make a difference in her town for her family, i guess one can say she was a PTA mom, a "Hockey mom", a religious woman who let God guide her view on right and wrong. Now that she has step out onto the big stage things change she has no lip stick on anymore she is just a pit bull, a servant, an assassin. At the end of this whole thing. I wonder will she be able to go back in her skin and be able to look herself in the eye and say i was me? It seems to me Hillary Clinton did belong on that stage she and her husband work there whole lives to be there. I think Palin is far from home and it's time for to go back and be a " Hockey mom" again. With five children including a pregnant teenage daughter going home will be important. We can pretend a person can do it all. But the reality is when those children are sick they will call for their "Hockey Mom". She will then have to make a choice us or them that is what the moment we have to for see. If she choose the American people then she is a bad mom, if she choose her family she would a bad Vice President or President. Hilary's child was grown so she wouldn't of been distracted by her. So bottom line is, I think men and women can do the same thing, but to do that it is at the sacrifice of the children. We can see the result of this in our society today. So "Hockey Mom's" we love you and still need you after the game, to wipe the tears when we lose, and to cheer us on when we win!
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