I don’t think the everyday people are the ones behind this. Yes, I know they are the ones that stares when we foreigners are on the streets. But i notice that if you confront a person one on one about their actions they usually will apologize quickly and sometime ask for correction as if they did not even know it was inappropriate. The people are not to blame, yes the actors who picks these roles make poor choices however what if they don’t even know it is wrong. They are just tools. We all know many Filipinos are extremely naive. They are being controlled. You may ask by whom? Well ask your self who would benefit if every one thinks Black is ugly? The companies that sells the skin whiting product of course. The T.V. station that sale them the advertising space, the producers of the shows that gets a big check when rating is High. I started a web site called Pinoys Stand Up. com. I myself am not Pinoys in anyway or form, however my wife is. So I began to adopt the culture. I am a black Haitian American. I know I can turn around and stay in my home here in U.S.A. and simply avoid Philippines like many has done in the past. However i do love the country and the people. I know that the Filipinos are very warm and sweet people. Yes, we all know that some time it seem like they act like teenagers when we walk buy pointing a laughing, or saying slick remarks but they are just being used as tools. Why? Well 1st Philippines has the 7th largest population in the world they tell you the country is poor, but ask your self a question why are there Mega size Mall being built every year. The crazy thing is they are all pack. The money is there maybe not in one guys hand but together they are rich. 2nd, How many of you know Filipinos that can not handle money very well, they buy on impulse. They get the money and it is gone the next day. I am sure you know one are two people who is like this. The reason I mention this is to show why the philippines is important. 3rd, The key to advertising is to make people feel bad. As if life will end if you don’t have this product. This happens everywhere however the difference between let say U.S.A. and PH is in U.S.A. you have lots of companies competing with each other. In the Philippines you have a few families who hold all the cards. Most of the T.V. Station is owned by the same one of two companies. So don’t be fooled it is the Pinoys they are after and their money the black people is just a casualty of war. So on behalf of making a difference maybe a small one maybe a big one. I have to beg you, all you Americans, all you Australians, all you Europeans, Asians, and Filipinos lets stop this now. Sitting on forums will not stop this kind of thing, driving by a monster size billboard humiliating your fellow man and just shaking your head is not enough. We need to tell the stations that this is wrong and not acceptable. We need to tell the Filipinos, all the Filipinos wether light or dark that they are special as they are and there difference is what will make their country special. For it is a deep brains wash that has gone for too long. Who in the hell would identify with a weak character like Nita always apologizing for being black. We all know what racism has done in our countries it turn good people bad on both sides. It created groups of people who accepted the false idea that they where naturally bad so they continued on that path. It made people with money close doors to others in order to keep themselves safe from the so called bad people . However in this country the Republic of the Philippines it can all be stopped. This is your chance to make a difference. Join me and lets fight together as fellow humans.
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